Saturday, 5 May 2012

Red or Dead: Initial Ideas/ Concept

Before we even began to think about a narrative for our advertisement, we created mood boards based upon what we believed were the key areas of the brief to highlight. These areas were:

  • Red or Dead: They're known for pushing the boundries of the fashion market in terms of clothing, footware, accessories and recently bikes! But although they market themselves as a 'all british' company...what 'says' Red or Dead? How does branding reflect their personality and style as a company?

  • The Product: Simply. The bike. What does it look like?!

  • Enchanted Horse Arabian Knights: As the brief stipulates that ideas must come from and ultimatly resemble/show traces of the story...what are the key points and concepts to be taken from it?

  • Style: We chose to focus mainly on the imagery behind the story in terms of style and colour. Looking at Persian Art and typography followed by examples of colour we found rather useful.


Taking influence from the RoD brand, Arabian Knights, Colour/ Art styles and finally Rod's requirement for a dark and humorous animation we eventually arrived at our narrative.

Our story centres around a girl (Princess) trapped in a mental ayslum. She's in a white padded room, gesturing wildly to Doctors (one being our Prince) at marks and imagery that only she can see on the walls. They ignore her behaviour and leave, leaving her trapped in this sterile white enviroment. Her angry gestures then turn to poundings on the walls, but with each mark, an image errupts and morphs, forming patterns and moving designs. The doctors now see what is happening and try to desperatly get back into the room, but it's held shut by the graphic imagery. She then pulls out a physical bike from amongst the patterns and rides around the room, all the while the doctors eagerly trying to enter and stop her. But it's too late, as the door becomes free...she rides into the wall and disappears leaving behind an array of bright graphical markings amongst splashes of cold, white walls. Our Prince character, who at the start showed pity towards her, walks towards the wall, sadded at her departure. As he stares up at the still images left behind, a hand shoots out and pulls him forward, so he himself disappears into the world of Red or Dead.


We have managed to find the perfect models for our story. Our Princess (Kate Alizedeh) is a friend of mine and her half Iranian, half English self looks amazing on camera. Our Prince however (Ben Upton) was found a little differently. I actually saw him sitting in a corridor and luckily had the courage to 'proposition' him to play a role in our film. I'm rather grateful that he didn't think that I was some deranged stalker and agreed to act almost intantly (after a bit of embaressed explaining by myself). Here they are:

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