Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Flash Pre-Production


These are my initial ideas for the flash project. Although I like flash and think its a great program, when researching I found alot of the work around was pretty similar, so I've been experimenting alot with how I can use style to influence the final outcome.

I'm still playing around with things but the following pictures are where I'm currently at. I've been watching alot of horror films lately and I really like how dark they can be so I've tried to emulate this in my rough character designs (they still needed colouring up - which will be done soon and make them look alot better!)

Dead Silence (film) + Human Puppet + My flatmate =


This is a rough turn around of my character Jack (a ventriloquist puppet). He'll look alot better when I add some colour in (which I'll be doing soon). I want the whole project to look as
stylized as possible, so I started with really exentuating his clothes/appearance.....and then his head.....

...his eyes are actually missing from this picture, as I plan on importing my flatmates own eyes in place, as I think it'll bring more realism to the character.
So yeah. Here's the start to my first craic at flash!!

Here's the coloured up version of my character Jack. It's taken me ages to do as I used it as a way of introducing myself to photoshop and using a wacom tablet! Both I found difficult to get to grips with, but I realise how important it is versitile with the way I work so here it first digitally drawn and coloured image. Minus the green background, I've tried to stick to a certain colour pallet for my character and hopefully the background  (depending on whether they'll be enough contrast)

This is the rough version of the character I'm going to use in flash. (I've still got alottttttt to do)

Finished colour up

Complete with my flatmates eyes...and soon to be teeth (I thought involving real life organic images within my character would enhance the over all surreal effect I hope to create for my final animation)

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