Friday, 18 February 2011

After Effect Project

We were given a brief to create a 12 second animation, which is to be shown at Qbar in Falmouth on loop. Our only limitations were that it had to include a "smiley face" image that we were provided with, but other than that we could be as create as we liked.

I've only ever used After Effects once before and that was to make two objects collide, so I struggled in the beginning with the basics, however after countless tutorials and many many MANY hours I managed to make something I don't think is too bad for the first time round. One thing I didn't like took over 2 HOURS to render!! Bad times!!

This is my final After Effects video. I rendered it 3 times to try and keep the quality whilst keeping the size down but sadly it didn't work and I lost aload of the presets and effects. It was supposed to burn out to white and then black at the end and also the speed and light flicker was supposed to be alot faster/higher. But AE decided it couldn't be bothered to show it I guess.
I hate computers.

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