So it's a new term and a new brief and I'm stoked! Working in groups we've been given the task of creating a title sequence for a show, radio play, film or magazine drawing from what we've learned throughout the year. We can use conventional or experimental animation techniques, motion graphics and live action elements, or a combination of all of them to create an appropriate opening.
The sequence our group has chosen to work on is "Yesterday's Tomorrows", which is a series of 5 hour long TV films bringing to life stories from the science fiction era pre-1940. We've gathered the following stories, with the aim of creating a short animation for each.
H.G Wells - War of the worlds
H.G Wells – The time machine
Francis Godwin - The Man on the Moone
Hans Pfaall - The Unparalleled
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
Using a combination of motion graphics, stop motion, drawn animation and green screen and with a good old crack at the adobe suite... its my hope/ aim that we create a fluid sequence that marrys sound and image into a coherant whole.
We've come up with a vast design concept; so in order for us to work to the standard we want, we've set up a number of tutorials and workshops. These include areas such as greenscreen training, the use of camara equipment such as cranes and tutorials in lighting and generators. As well as this, we're collaberating with students from different courses for their expertise/ knowledge in certain areas. We currently have two 1st year and one 3rd year Film student and also 1 Music student willing to help us out.
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